Saturday, March 2, 2019

Removing Shoes ?

             Here's is a biggie for some people-to remove or not remove your shoes at the door?

Some of us find it hard to ask our guests to remove their shoes because it may seem rude. I can only speak for myself and my household but after implementing this rule in my home its amazing at how much cleaner my home is and how much easier it is to keep it that way.
The act of removing shoes is not only for sanitary reasons; it's also a sign of respect. I expect whoever walks in my home to treat my home with respect the way I do.  We work hard for what we have, and if we don't respect it, then others won't either. Also, just picture how many places your shoes go where we pick up human and animal fecal matter, not including all other nasty things and chemicals that public restrooms, the street, and grass have. So for me, I feel better knowing my child can play on the floor and that we have a cleaner home. We keep disposable booties in case any workers need to come in. And actually, a lot of good companies come prepared with their own booties. I keep new fluffy socks in a basket in case family or friends come and would rather not be barefoot. So it's all a matter of preference. But for me and my family, its shoes off!  Here's a polite little sign I have outside my door that helps let people know we would like them to remove their shoes.


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