Friday, November 1, 2019

My under- the sink project

Ok back to the kitchen real quick 

So I bought these little plastic drawers at Walmart and I made the labels myself with black vinyl and my Cricut label maker. It’s very convenient and stores all my Sponge Daddys (which I love) and these little dish scrubbers I buy have a dispenser you add soap to and are great for pots and pans. Last but not least, my magic erasers and microfiber cloths which are excellent to clean with by the way. The magic eraser is a charm for caked-on food just run it underwater, squeeze out excess water, and clean off your counter, oven or stovetop just wait till your stove or oven  has cooled off and watch it do its magic.  I never have to scrub or scrap the stuff that builds up on the stove this will save from buying expensive stove cleaners. This idea really helped me keep things in order under the sink. I really don’t like having anything down there besides my dishwasher soap, one roll of paper towels, and one countertop cleaner. I hate clutter so I keep it simple. I don’t like storing a bunch of cleaners under the sink. I also cut out a drawer liner and sized it to protect the wood underneath the sink. Once I label stuff in my home everyone automatically follows suit because they know now where things belong. Makes things run much smoother.

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